July 8


28+ Kill La Kill Quotes that’ll Inspire You to Take on the World

Life can be tough. But it's also beautiful. Kill La Kill is a great anime that shows us just how powerful we can be when we're fighting for what we believe in.

These Kill La Kill quotes will inspire you to take on the world and achieve your goals!

Satsuki Kiryuin Quotes

Satsuki Kiryuin quotes
“I understand now. The world is not cut from the same cloth. It’s because it is overflowing with inexplicable, unidentifiable things that the world is so beautiful.” – Satsuki Kiryuin
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“In the name of human liberation, your life is forfeit!” – Satsuki Kiryuin
Satsuki Kiryuin quotes 1
“Those who lack resolve are incapable of even wiping away their own tears.” – Satsuki Kiryuin
Satsuki Kiryuin quotes 2
“Fear is freedom. Subjugation is liberation. Contradiction is truth. These are the facts of this world. And you will all surrender to them, you pigs in human clothing!” – Satsuki Kiryuin
Satsuki Kiryuin quotes 3
“Behold the power of Hannouji Academy.” – Satsuki Kiryuin
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“It is we who shall pave the way to humanity’s future.” – Satsuki Kiryuin
Satsuki Kiryuin quotes 4
“A skyscraper built within your mind will never fall down.” – Satsuki Kiryuin
Satsuki Kiryuin quotes 5
“Ask not the sparrow how the eagle soars.” – Satsuki Kiryuin
Satsuki Kiryuin quotes 6
“My actions are utterly pure!” – Satsuki Kiryuin
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“This is the form in which a Kamui is able to unleash the most power! The fact that you are embarrassed by the values of the masses only proves how small you are! If it means fulfilling her ambitions, Satsuki Kiryūin will show neither shame nor hesitation, even if she bares her breasts for all the world to see!” – Satsuki Kiryuin
Satsuki Kiryuin quotes 7
“A castle that vanishes at the first gust of wind is worthless.” – Satsuki Kiryuin
Satsuki Kiryuin quotes 8
“Fear is freedom. Subjugation is liberation. Contradiction is truth. These are the facts of this world. And you will all surrender to them, you pigs in human clothing!” – Satsuki Kiryuin

Ragyo Kiryuin Quotes

Ragyo Kiryuin quotes from kill la kill
“La vie est drole!” - Ragyo Kiryuin
Ragyo Kiryuin quotes
“Anyone who dares oppose me—no, the Life Fibers—will suffer the same fate!” – Ragyo Kiryuin

Ira Gamagoori Quotes

Ira Gamagoori quotes from kill la kill
“In heaven's stead, I smite clothing!” - Ira Gamagoori
Ira Gamagoori quotes
“Taste the ultimate whip of love.” – Ira Gamagoori

Rei Hououmaru Quotes

Rei Hououmaru quotes
“This world is full of injustice! It’s a place where the strong trample the weak every day! That is the truth about the stupid human race!” – Rei Hououmaru

Tsumugu Kinagase Quotes

Tsumugu Kinagase quotes
“Let me give you two useful pieces of information...” - Tsumugu Kinagase

Senketsu Quotes

Senketsu quotes from kill la kill
“There comes a time when a girl outgrows her sailor uniform.” – Senketsu

Nui Harime Quotes

Nui Harime quotes from kill la kill
“Hate and love are two sides of the same coin. It’s like a finely-tailored suit with a food sturdy stitching. In other words, the deeper the hatred, the deeper the love grows.” – Nui Harime

Ryuko Matoi Quotes

Ryuko Matoi quotes
“To hell with your opinion. I’ll take my own path no matter what anyone else says.” – Ryuko Matoi
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“I’m not the usual Ryuko Matoi right now. I’m a Ryuko Matoi who is fixated on seeing what she wants almost within reach.” – Ryuko Matoi
Ryuko Matoi quotes 1
“I won’t sacrifice the lives of others to achieve my goal.” – Ryuko Matoi
Ryuko Matoi quotes 2
“Nonsensical is our thing.” – Ryuko Matoi
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“If you don’t try to win with everything you have, it’ll come back to bite you.” – Ryuko Matoi
Ryuko Matoi quotes 3
“Blow it out your ass, bitch! It’s gonna take a hell of a lot more than you to stop me!” – Ryuko Matoi
Ryuko Matoi quotes 4
“Humans have a will to live.” – Ryuko Matoi

Mako Mankanshoku Quotes

“Just rip it off and get naked!” – Mako Mankanshoku
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“And everyone on the planet knows that if you win with friendship, you win at life!” – Mako Mankanshoku

Why is it called Kill la Kill?

Kill la Kill is a Japanese anime television series that aired from 2013 to 2014. The title of the show comes from the fact that the two main characters, Ryuko Matoi and Satsuki Kiryuin, are constantly trying to kill each other.

However, the death toll is always quite low, as they usually end up just wounding each other. In fact, the only time anyone actually dies in Kill la Kill is when Ryuko kills Satsuki's father, Souichirou Kiryuin.

So, while the title may be a bit misleading, Kill la Kill is actually a pretty accurate description of what goes on in the show.

What does Kill la Kill talk about?

Kill La Kill is a pretty crazy show. It's about this girl, Ryuko Matoi, who's looking for her father's killer. She comes across this crazy outfit called "Scythe Meister" which allows her to transform into this powerful fighting machine.

She uses it to take on the evil forces that are trying to control the world. Along the way, she makes some friends and enemies and learns a lot about herself and the people around her. Kill La Kill is a really fun show with a lot of action, comedy, and heart.

If you're looking for something different, give it a try!


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